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Let me paint you a picture. It’s a rainy day, and you’ve decided to get all comfy cozy on your living room couch with a good book.. Sounds relaxing right? 

A week ago I would have answered yes, but now I’ve experienced September in Gainesville, Georgia. 

I’ve been here for 5 whole days now, and 4 of those 5 have been pouring rain ALL DAY. People have asked me what the biggest difference between here and my Canadian home has been so far, and the rain is definitely that. 


The rain, beautiful as it is, definitely brings along more challenges than you’d expect at surface level. Night one I found that my tent pole was broken, and since night two my tent has been flooding constantly due to the almost constant downpour of rain. I’ve learned to fit as much of my equipment and clothes as I can in plastic grocery bags so that water damage is minimised. We have long days everyday, packed with so much valuable information (which is awesome), but then I have to go back to my tent full of water every night, and it kind of sucks. 

I think back to that picture of enjoying the rain from indoors. It was so easy to appreciate the rain when I was able to view and take in its beauty without any of the harsh realities of actually being IN the rain. Similarly, I’ve always dreamed of being a missionary for God, it always looked so beautiful and fulfilling.. And it totally is, but now that I’m actually living out here at the mission base, I’m learning that it also has its challenges. It’s uncomfortable, tiring, hard work and it’s just so so different to what life usually looks like. But as much as it’s been a shock and a challenge, it has also been a blessing in a lot of ways. Having my possessions wet and my personal space invaded by the rain has helped me to realise the real importance of what our mission is here. Which is to share the goodness, hope and love of our God. 

I was reading Job and I found a verse that says “You shall know that your tent is at peace, and you shall inspect your fold and miss nothing” (Job 5:24)

It’s kind of funny actually because I read this verse right after I finished using my soap holder to scoop water out of my tent, and I was kind of like, “Hey Lord.. my tent doesn’t feel like it’s at peace, what’s up with that?”. I spent some time thinking about it and I eventually realised that even though my tent is wet and my stuff is wet, in the end of it all, when I inspect my fold I will find nothing missing because none of my material possessions actually matter. The whole reason I’m out here right now is because of the Lord and because I want to be a part of the advancement of God’s kingdom. Material things just don’t matter. The tent is inconvenient, but that’s all it is. Things could be so much worse, or so much better. But the focus of this season is on nothing but Jesus and his kingdom. 


Thanks for reading, more exciting stories coming soon!

Hannah 😉


7 responses to “The Reality of Living in Rain”

  1. Yikes, that’s rough! I hope you get the tent situation figured out so it doesnt stay wet all the time.

    But seriously, that’s a very mature perspective you’ve shared. Challenges are an opportunity to grow if we press in to God. So keep leaning in to God and He will strengthen you!

  2. Aww Im sorry it’s been a rough start but I’m so proud of your outlook on your situation! Keep doi bc great thing hannah!

  3. Wow, Hannah! Nothing like being thrown into the fire (or in this case, rain!) right away when you step out in faith as a missionary! (Maybe that storm at the campground and the wet trailer was God’s way of simply prepping you for what was to come?! Haha!)
    The lessons you are learning are incredibly valuable for the rest of your life and you will come back with a perspective that few other North Americans will ever have. So proud of you for surrendering it all to God and for learning what really matters. God will continue to do great things in you and through you, especially since you have chosen to seek Him about His perspective in the midst of challenge and difficulty! Praying for you and miss you!
    “The Bleffs”

  4. Wow, sounds Interesting, I thought is was sunny and warm in the US. Keep looking up! The rain can’t last forever. I heard they were testing you on food, also, from Jonas. There going to make you a certified missionary. When do you head out for another country? The good thing about a rough start is it can only get better! Praying for you!

  5. I’m proud of you hannah! So glad your doing well dispute the water issues. Let me know if you want me to ship a better quality tent.
    Ezekiel vision about the river being waist deep. Is just a metaphor. I know you said you prefer that I don’t send a better tent,so can I send you a life jacket. Lol

  6. Hannah
    It was such a blessing to meet you last week – sure hope the rain stops and you can enjoy the “tent life” soon. Love your positive attitude and how God is growing you and your team
    Stephen and Teri Jernigan

  7. That’s an amazing insight Hannah! I especially like what you said about how a raining day is fun until your in it. Kinda like missions. So true. Rooting for you girl! 😉